Setup Home Network | Install Nighthawk Wi-Fi App
Home Network setup can be done with the help of an Internet Company Modem, a Wi-Fi Router, and a Networking device like PC/Laptop. New technology, Wireless Routers/Modem/gateway configuration can be done via Mobile App itself. Nighthawk New Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 7 technology Routers are best known these days for their ultimate performance and reliability.
Users can configure Nighthawk Series Routers, Extenders and Modems via Nighthawk Mobile App. To configure a Nighthawk device, download the Nighthawk Wi-Fi App from the Play Store for Android devices, or the App store for iOS devices. Nighthawk App is compatible with Android mobile devices, Nighthawk Wi-Fi App is not available for Windows PC/Laptop, in case of Laptops/ Desktop, users can complete setup of Nighthawk series Routers/Extenders via web browser login Method.

Install Nighthawk Mobile App
The Nighthawk app helps users manage and set up the Nighthawk series Routers/Extenders and Modems from Mobile device itself. Wireless Settings, Network Connectivity status, Guest Network Setup, Firmware Update of Router can be done via Nighthawk mobile app itself. Users can Easily Install and set up Wi-fi with Nighthawk Mobile App.
Nighthawk Wi-Fi App can be downloaded from the Play Store in case of Android devices, for Apple iOS devices, download the app from the Apple App Store. Make sure your Mobile device has an active Internet connection to download Nighthawk App. Users can connect to Mobile Cellular data to download Nighthawk Mobile App for the initial setup process.
Alternatively, Users can set up Nighthawk Extender using web address. Nighthawk Extender setup can be done via WPS Push button process. Simply Connect Nighthawk Extender close to the main host Router. Press and hold the WPS button on Nighthawk Range Extender and main Host Router for three seconds. Nighthawk Wi-Fi Extenders can be configured with same SSID network Name as the main host Router for seamless wireless connectivity. Once you get three stable lights on Nighthawk Extender, Relocate the Range Extender in between the main Host Router and the Dead Wi-Fi Zone areas. Make Sure the Extender is not too far away from the main Host Router.

Nighthawk Wi-Fi App Features Explained
Nighthawk App helps users to easily set up and monitor the home network from the Mobile app itself. Users can install and manage Nighthawk Router and Extenders from their mobile device itself. Nighthawk App features Explained:
- Device Management: Users can manage Wireless/Wired devices from the app itself. Check the number of Clients connected to the Wi-Fi Network via Nighthawk Mobile App.
- Guest Users: Setup Guest Network from Nighthawk app itself. Users can create separate 2.4GHz and 5Ghz Network Name SSID and Password for Guest Network Access.
- Firmware Upgrade: Nighthawk Router and Extender Firmware can be upgraded to the latest via Nighthawk App. It’s recommended to select Auto update feature On for Nighthawk Routers and Extenders, so that Nighthawk App can upgrade the device firmware to latest version whenever available.
- Wireless Settings: Users can Change Wi-Fi password and Wi-Fi Network name SSID from Nighthawk App itself. Smart Connect Feature, 2.4GHz and 5GHz separate Wi-Fi name and password can be created via Nighthawk app itself.
- Speed Test: Users can do a Speed test on their Network to check Wi-Fi Internet Speed of their Network. It’s recommended to connect a Mobile device with the 5GHz Network SSID Wi-Fi Name to check the Speed of your Network.
In case users are not able to access certain Advanced features of Nighthawk Router, try logging to Nighthawk Router web interface page via IP address or, try the default username as admin, and login password as the one created during initial Router setup.
Users can set up the Nighthawk Wifi via the Web browser method also, in case they don’t have a compatible mobile device. Try to access Nighthawk Router web GUI page using IP address
Install and Manage Wi-Fi Router using Nighthawk app
Nighthawk R/RAX/RS series Routers, C/CAX Series Modems and MR/MK Mesh Wi-Fi Router setup can be done easily via Nighthawk App from Mobile device itself. Easily Install and Setup Wi-fi with Nighthawk Mobile App.
To Setup Nighthawk Series Routers via Nighthawk App, users can follow below below-mentioned steps:
- Power on the Nighthawk Router, Connect External Antennas if any.
- Disconnect Old Wi-Fi Router if any, Connect Ethernet Cable from Nighthawk Router WAN Internet slot to Internet Provider Modem LAN Slot.
- Reboot the Nighthawk Wi-Fi Router and Internet Modem, wait for the Router and Modem lights to be Solid Green or White.
- Download Nighthawk App on your mobile device, Create Account, Select Add a Router Option.
- Connect your Mobile Device with Nighthawk Router SSID Wi-Fi Network, Default Wi-Fi name and password are mentioned on Router label itself.
- Launch Nighthawk App, Follow on-screen instructions to complete Setup process.
- Users can change the Default SSID Network Name and Password for Nighthawk Router. Make Sure the Security encryption is selected for WPA-2 or WPA-3 security protocol.
- Check for Latest Firmware update if any, make Sure Router Firmware Upgrade option is selected to Auto Update option, so that the Nighthawk Router firmware is up to date, to enhance overall Network security and to remove security vulnerabilities on previous Firmware if any.
- Smart Connect Feature can be turned ON, in case users want One Wireless Network name for 2.4GHz and 5GHz Network bandwidth.
- Make Sure the VPN service or any other Firewall is disabled during initial setup of Wi-Fi Router.
- In case Nighthawk App is unable to Find the Network Router, restart the Nighthawk Wi-Fi Router and Modem.
- To Avoid interference issues, make sure Nighthawk Router is away from any Radiation device. In case you are installing Nighthawk Router next to Wi-Fi Capable Modem Gateway, disable Existing Wireless Gateway Wi-Fi Function.
Alternatively, Users can set up Nighthawk Series Router via Desktop/PC also. Simply Connect laptop/PC with nighthawk Router Wired or Wirelessly. Launch the Web Browser and type the Router Default address in the Address bar of Browser. Select if you don’t have a Compatible Smartphone option, create a new admin password by selecting two security questions. Manage Wi-Fi SSID name and Wireless password, then click Next. Follow onscreen instructions to Complete the Nighthawk series Router initial setup process.
Note: Nighthawk App is available for mobile devices only, Nighthawk Wi-Fi App is not available for Windows/Mac Operating system laptops/Desktop.
Extender Setup using Nighthawk Mobile App
The Nighthawk EX/EAX series Extender setup can be done easily via the Nighthawk App. Easily Install and Set Up Wi-fi with Nighthawk Mobile App. To install Nighthawk Extender via Nighthawk App users can follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Plug in the Range Extender close to the main Host Router.
- Launch Nighthawk App, Create Account and Select Add Range Extender Option.
- Nighthawk App will detect nearby Access points available.
- Select Wi-Fi SSID Network name of your Host Router, then select the Next option.
- Enter Wi-Fi password of Range Extender, then select the next option.
- For Seamless Wireless Connectivity, users can select the same Wi-Fi SSID and Network password as of the Main Host Router.
- Nighthawk Extender will show three stable lights, which means Extender is successfully connected with the main Host Router.
- Relocate Wireless Nighthawk Extender, Place Range Extender In between Wireless Router and Dead Wi-Fi Zone.
- Make Sure Firmware Upgrade option is selected on Auto option, so that Network Security is maintained and for overall secure connectivity.
- Users can also manage Range Extender settings using or http://mywifiext.local web address.
Nighthawk Range Extender setup can be done via laptop/PC, also via web address or http://mywifiext.local in case of iOS devices.
Alternatively, Users can configure Nighthawk Range Extender using WPS Push button option. Locate WPS button on your main host Router and Nighthawk Wi-Fi Extender. Press and hold the WPS button for three seconds on the range Extender and the main host Router. Extender will configure with the main host Router and on successful connection with Router, users will be able to see three solid LED lights. Nighthawk EX/EAX series Extenders can be configured in Access point mode also. Nighthawk App lets users manage Extender Wireless Settings, Check the Network Status of Extender, Moreover, Nighthawk Extender can also be upgraded easily via the Nighthawk app itself.
Set up Nighthawk Router in Access Point mode
Nighthawk Routers can be configured in access point mode, this setting is recommended in case users are using a Wireless Modem gateway Combo device with Nighthawk Router. To set up Nighthawk Router in access point mode, users can follow these steps:
- Power ON Nighthawk Router, Connect External Antennas if any.
- Connect Ethernet Cable from ISP Provided Modem to your Nighthawk Router WAN Internet Slot.
- Reboot Nighthawk Router and ISP provided Modem, wait for 10 seconds.
- Connect your Laptop/PC with Nighthawk Router wired or wirelessly.
- Launch a web browser and type in the address bar of your browser.
- Login to the Router web management page by using the default username as admin, in case of a new Router setup, create a new login password, else login to the Router interface page by using the admin password created while the initial Router setup process.
- Navigate to the Advanced section on the Nighthawk Web interface page, click on the Administration option.
- Select Router Mode Option>> Select Access point Mode option.
- Router will reboot to apply changes. Now the Router is configured in access point mode.
- Nighthawk Router will obtain an IP address from the main host Router/Gateway.
Certain advanced options like Access point mode for Nighthawk Router, Port Forwarding, DMZ settings cannot be managed via Nighthawk App. Users can log in to Nighthawk Router web interface page to access these advanced settings using IP address Nighthawk App provides access to other basic features like Wi-Fi setup, Guest Network Setup, and Firmware upgrade. Advanced Settings of Nighthawk Router can be changed by logging to the Router page using IP address or web address. In certain cases, users need to change DMZ settings on the Router or do port forwarding, try to alter these advanced settings by logging to the Router interface page, all other settings can be altered/changed via the Nighthawk App.