Home Networking
To set up Home Network, users need an Internet Company modem, a Wi-Fi Router, and Ethernet Cables. To set up multiple Ethernet Connections, users can use a Network Switch next to the Wi-Fi Router. With the Help of a Wi-Fi Router, Wireless Devices can be connected, and users can use the Four Ethernet LAN Slots of the Router, to connect hardwired Ethernet devices, to eliminate latency issues.
Wireless Router setup can be done via Apps provided by various Router brands, For Example, any Nighthawk Router/Modem or Range extender setup can be done easily via the Nighthawk app itself. Networking Mobile Apps helps users to manage their Wi-Fi Network via Mobile device itself. Users can check Network status from remote areas also via the Nighthawk Wi-Fi App.

Setup Nighthawk Wi-Fi Extender using Web browser
Nighthawk series Range extenders can be easily set up using http://mywifiext.net or http://mywifiext.local (in case of iOS device)web address. Default IP address of Nighthawk Extender is Users can set up Nighthawk Extenders using these quick steps:
- Plug in Range Extender close to the main Wi-Fi Router for initial setup.
- Connect any Networking device like laptop/PC with the Nighthawk Extender Wi-Fi name.
- Launch a web browser and type http://mywifiext.net to access Nighthawk Extender login webpage.
- Click on the New Extender setup option.
- Select I Agree on the Terms and Conditions page, and then click on the continue option.
- Select Setup Mode, range Extender mode, or Access point mode option, then click next.
- Nighthawk Extender will scan for available Access points nearby, select Nighthawk Router Wi-Fi Network from the list, and then click the next option.
- Enter the main Router Wi-Fi Password, the Nighthawk extender will configure with your main Wi-Fi Router.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
Nighthawk Extenders setup can be done easily via Nighthawk App also, install the Nighthawk mobile app on your Android or iOS Device, create Nighthawk Account, Then Follow the on-screen instructions on the Nighthawk App to complete the Range extender setup.

How to Upgrade Nighthawk Router Firmware using Nighthawk Wi-Fi App?
Launch Nighthawk app, make sure your Mobile device relates to Nighthawk Wi-Fi SSID Network. Select settings and Firmware Update option. Check for the latest firmware if any, click Upgrade firmware to update the Router firmware to the latest. It’s recommended to select Auto Update Firmware feature on the Nighthawk App, so that the Router firmware is updated automatically, for Enhanced Network Security and to remove security vulnerabilities if any on the previous version.
Reset and Reconfigure Nighthawk Extender with New Wireless Router
Nighthawk Extender reconfiguration might be needed in case users have changed Wi-Fi Network name SSID or Wireless password of main Host Router, or in case users have purchased a new Wi-Fi Router. In certain cases, do reset on Nighthawk Extender using a paper pin for 10 seconds. Nighthawk Extender settings will get erased and all settings will be restored to factory defaults. Wait for a minute, then reconfigure Nighthawk Wi-Fi Extender using WPS push button process or via Nighthawk App itself. After initial setup, Nighthawk extender settings can be managed via web address http://mywifiext.net or http://mywifiext.local.